Rape Awareness List For Men / How A Rape‑Free World Could Benefit Men

by an unknown author

Women could trust men freely and be less ambivalent about their attitudes towards them.

Women and men could communicate more honestly about what they want or don't want during any stage of a sexual encounter without fearing manipulation or retaliation.

Mothers would not have to tell their daughters to never be alone with a man, a statement that causes anxiety in "alone" situations even when it is consensual.

Rape Awareness List For Men
Always interrupt anybody who you see violating verbally or physically a woman's space.

Do not join in if friends egg you on in paying unwanted sexual attention to a woman at a party, in a bar, or on the street.

Do not ogle, whistle at, talk to, or look over, women in ways that make them feel uncomfortable. If you are not sure what makes a woman uncomfortable, ask her.

NEVER put the blame on a woman who you've heard was raped by saying things like "She shouldn't have gone there/worn that/drank that." None of these things, or anything a woman does, causes rape. Rapists cause rape, and there is NO excuse.

Never believe that only attractive women get raped, or imply that a man would not have raped a woman because she "isn't pretty". Rape is a crime of aggression, dominance, hate, and violence, not a beauty contest.

When a woman says no, believe her. Never imagine that "no" means "maybe" or "yes." abandon the dangerous myth that women can't admit that they want sex and men have to overcome their hesitation. "No" means "no". Always.

If a woman says "maybe", but then decides "no", take "no" but for an answer (even if you feel that she has led you on, worn provocative clothing, or enjoyed being fondled). Women have the right to set limits on sexual behavior just as you do.

If you think you're getting a double message, say so, Ask her what she wants. If she says she isn't sure, assume the answer is no and let it go.

Never think a woman owes a man sex under any circumstances. Sexual intercourse is not a payback for an expensive meal or an evening out on the town.

Teach sons and other young men that using force or the threat of force to coerce a date into sex is inappropriate, unacceptable, criminal, and wrong.

Don't confuse women's rape fantasies with how they feel about actual rape studies show that a woman's rape fantasies (if she has them) involve romantic, loving scenarios and have nothing to do with the actual degradation and terror of being raped and physically assaulted. The two should never be confused.

Never voice, believe, or support the idea that a woman "wanted if'. If you heard that a buddy who had been in jail for one night was raped, would you think he wanted it or enjoyed it?

For more literature contact:
Overground Distribution
P.O. Box 1661
Pensacola, FL 32597-1661

How A Rape Free World Could Benefit Men
Women could trust men freely and be less ambivalent about their attitudes towards them.

Women and men could communicate more honestly about what they want or don't want during any stage of a sexual encounter without fearing manipulation or retaliation.

Mothers would not have to tell their daughters to never be alone with a man, a statement that causes anxiety in "alone" situations even when it is consensual.

Men would not be stigmatized as "bad", "dangerous" or "perverts".

Women could dress any way they wish including topless, naked, or sexy and everyone could celebrate women's bodies.

Men could dress the way they wish without being considered "dangerous".

Women would not have to use, men as their protectors. They could love them because of who they are and pot because their presence discourages attacks.

Men and women could have sex that is sexual and less a matter of control, status, hostility, or dominance.

Men could fear less for their sisters, mothers, daughters, nieces, granddaughters, girlfriends, and female friends.

Men would no longer have to cope with the fear, pain, frustration, loss of emotion, confusion, anger, and/or silence of their,, female lovers Who have been molested or raped.

Men could experience more trusting women who are less scared to make eye contact, walk with them places, or go out to, a drink and to conversation.

Women could have alone time, experience nature, go for walks by themselves, and therefore be more at peace with the world, less anxious, more self aware, less likely to seem exhausted or fed up with people.

Men would not have to experience women crossing the street to avoid them, avoiding eye contact, tightening in, fear when they see a man, ignoring men or running away when they see a strange man.

If rape scenes were not popular, pornography could be an erotic sexual aid depicting lusty, healthy, sexual, images for those who choose to watch or read it.