A Very Abbreviated List of Resources to Protect the Earth at a Variety of Levels

by Tim Ream

Facing Our Reality
In the continental U.S., 97.3% of native forest has been cut. Prairie, desert, wetland, river, lake and ocean ecosystems have been similarly impacted. Outside the U.S., ecosystems often are as or more destroyed. Because of human impacts, the earth may warm to its hottest temperature in 65 million years in just this century. Half of all species left on the planet may forever cease in just this century.

Western consumption far outpaces the rest of the world. Western lifestyles are unsustainable. You might consider your lifestyle sustainable if everyone on the planet made the choices you make and the ecosystems on the planet today remained as healthy seven generations from today. With this in mind I suggest...

Having no children is heroic. One child is understandable. Two children per couple perpetuate the problem. Don't buy factory farm animal products. Don't buy pesticide food. Don't get in a car alone. Don't have a TV at your residence. Work less. Save your money.

A Very Abbreviated List of Resources to Protect the Earth at a Variety of Levels

Some websites with useful info

www.tao.ca: Check out the Bioengineering Action Network and the section on security.
www.infoshop.org: Check out the News Kiosk every couple days.
www.calltoaction.org: Loads of great links around the world.
www.igc.org: Econet and other news and action alerts.

Bureaucrats to contact
The treesitters at Fall Creek, North Winberry and Eagle Creek (having lived in the canopy for two to three years now) ask you please to contact: Harv Forsgen Regional Forester USDA FS PNW Region 6 333 SW First Ave. PO Box 3623 Portland, OR 97208 (503) 808 2200 ph (503) 808 2210 fax rf@fs.fed.us

Ask him to completely cancel the Clark, North Winberry and Eagle Creek timbers sales immediately and with no stipulations.

Staples National Day of Action 3/28
FTAA in Quebec 4/20-22
EF! National Gathering in WY 7/7-16
IMFWorld Bank in DC 10/ 1-4

Contact the Forest Defense 2001 Tour
(v) 2068306300 x3250

To contact pickaxe productions
(v) 1888pickAxe
www.pickaxe.org pickaxeprod@igc.org

Legislation to support
- National Forest Protection and Restoration Act (McKinneyLeach): will end logging on public lands
- Forever Wild: to be introduced by NFC soon
- Act to Save America's Forests: Call the Capitol Hill switchboard at (202) 2243121 (East Coast biz hours)

Periodicals to stretch your mind
Earth First! Journal (541) 3448004
Green Anarchy Box 11331 Eugene97401
Harbinger Box 1963 Olympia 98507
Turning the Tide (310) 2885003
Resistance (503) 4780902

Books and authors that influenced me
(some available from AK Press)
Agents of Repression, Always Coming Home, Hakim Bey, Steven Biko, Black Elk Speaks, Noam Chomsky, Desert Solitaire, Eco-Defense, Chellis Glendinning, Derrick Jensen, People's History of the US, Practice of the Wild, Daniel Quinn, Walden, Zen Mind Beginner's Mind

Send lots of your money to
Gifford Pinchot Task Force (taxdeductible) Box 11427 Olympia, WA 98508
Cascadia Defense Network (no affirmative relationship with the IRS) Box 11426 Olympia, WA 98508

Facing Our Reality
In the continental U.S., 97.3% of native forest has been cut. Prairie, desert, wetland, river, lake and ocean ecosystems have been similarly impacted. Outside the U.S., ecosystems often are as or more destroyed. Because of human impacts, the earth may warm to its hottest temperature in 65 million years in just this century. Half of all species left on the planet may forever cease in just this century.

Western consumption far outpaces the rest of the world. Western lifestyles are unsustainable. You might consider your lifestyle sustainable if everyone on the planet made the choices you make and the ecosystems on the planet today remained as healthy seven generations from today. With this in mind I suggest...

Having no children is heroic. One child is understandable. Two children per couple perpetuate the problem. Don't buy factory farm animal products. Don't buy pesticide food. Don't get in a car alone. Don't have a TV at your residence. Work less. Save your money.

Don't behave unsustainably. Take responsibility for figuring out what this means.

Study oppression. Include gender, race, class, sexuality and nation and include the privilege of being healthy, being human and living in this generation. Stop oppression without waiting for someone or something else to do it. Study hierarchy and the current economic, political and law enforcement systems.

Examine whether reform alone can achieve sustainability.

Practice direct action as part of a community sharing affinity.

Question technology, its production, use, unintended effects and disposal.

Question private property and land ownership.

Apologize. Give thanks. Express love.

Go to threatened and wild places and listen.

Don't behave unsustainably and so on as above...

Is western civilization sustainable?
Possible answers:
Our culture is founded on extinction, genocide and male dominance. We live in a time of absolutely unparalleled destruction. A sustainable planet requires massive population reduction,, an end to capitalism, nationstates, the dominant culture and most modem technology. Neither land nor living beings can be owned. The means of providing basic human needs cannot be owned. Sovereignty must return to individuals and small local communities. The world is alive, communicating and not being heard. We have a responsibility to risk privilege to stop oppression directly. The powerful respond to those who do so with intense repression. The Earth responds to those who do so with intense love.
Tim Ream